Thursday, June 10, 2010

Post ovulation dry up...

Ah the good old cervical mucus, it is such a vital part of conception and now I'm wondering if that might be what is causing us some problems. So we know that when your egg is released or sometimes right before, you have cervical mucus changes, basically no more fertile quality mucus and sometimes a dry up. Well, I definitely fit in to the dry up category.

I will get a positive OPK (ovulation predictor kit) test and then by the next day (most likely the day that I ovulate!) I have no fertile quality cervical mucus, really I don't have any cervical mucus. I pretty much have a totally dry day. Normally I wouldn't worry about this because we should have sperm in there waiting for the egg anyway, but we haven't been able to conceive so everything is worrying me!

I'm wondering if this mucus dry up is occurring before my egg breaks through and is killing off all of the sperm that had been happily waiting for the egg in a nice fertile environment and then I have no other mucus to aid any new sperm trying get to the egg. I'm picturing a river running though the African plains. All of the fish are happily swimming around, then the drought comes and all of those fish die. Then fish that were swimming up stream either try to continue on through the dry river bed and die or they just hang out where there is still water. Well, my egg is on the other side of that dry ass river bed and no little swimmers seem to be getting to it.


Anonymous said...

I recently found your blog on google and have back dated and read all your entries. It is so nice (well, not sure if nice is the word) to hear words from someone else that is experiencing the same feelings. I have thought about starting a blog about our TTC journey..aka roller coaster of crazy emotions..but just have not gotten to it. I am 26, so very close in age, and we too thought it would be easy when we started the "lets just see what happens" game when I went off the pill in Dec. of 08. Well after no period for a yr, I was diagnosed by my OB with PCOS in Dec. of 09. After 3 months of Clomid and ultrasounds and 1 month of HCG trigger shot with him, we switched to an RE Infertility Specialist. He does not think I Have PCOS b/c I do not fit the typical PCOS person, but the verdict is still out. We did another month of Clomid with him this month and the trigger shot and right now I am in the 2 week wait. I go Wed. to get my progesterone levels checked. I am at least ovulating now, where I was not forever, but still no pregnancy. Each month is such an emotional roller coaster...excitment, anxiety, exhaustion (from timed "trying" all the time), saddness, frustration..and the list could go on! It is esp hard because I feel like someone is calling to tell me they are pregnant every other day, which only makes me cry. Not because I am not happy for them, just because it makes me realize we may not ever have that. It is all a journey and emotional roller coaster that I believe only someone going through it or who has gone through it understands. So it is nice to find someone who understands! I read so many baby blogs (of friends) it is nice to find one that is about the journey to get there...and not someone who gets knocked up the first month trying and for free..when others like us have to pay lots of money and try hard each month. In comment to your recent post, have you had a post coital test done? They can test your mucus with his sperm and how they "interact". You will be able to have some of your questions answered or mind put to ease hopefully. Also, our specialist told me if you take 2 Flinstone viatmins each day it is equal to prenatal vitamins! Great posts though, keep them coming..I am becoming a faithful follower! Best of luck to you!

Kay Bee said...

Thank you so so so much for your comment! It is so wonderful to know that there really are other women out there who know EXACTLY how I feel! To answer your question, no we haven't done a post coital and I'm going to elaborate on that in a later post. Thanks for the Flintstone’s tip and congrats on the ovulation, which is a HUGE step in the right direction! Stay strong and we'll get there!

Anonymous said...

Good luck next Wed., that is when we can test too. Doesnt the 2 week wait SUCK! Feels like forever! And if I hear one more time..just relax, or gosh I get pregnant every time my husband looks at me, you should be around me more..I may punch someone..and I am not violent at all! And just recieved my 2nd baby invite today..not sure if I can go to them..may have to see how I feel that day. It is terrible to say, but like I said in my earlier comment, I just feel like no one understands unless they too have delt with this. Lots of baby dust to you..hopefully we both have good news next Wed!
Kristin B

Kay Bee said...

Kristin, I just totally get you! I think a lot of it has to do with the age that we are at All of our peers are now pairing off and having babies but if 1 in 5 couples struggle with infertility then somebody has to be the odd couple out. Lucky us! Maybe this month will be our lucky month? Fingers crossed.

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