Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Clean bill of health...?

So after what felt like days and days of not being able to get online, I'm back! Yay! So sorry about that! And that isn't the only good news I have, after our appointment with the urologist it turns out that the below average number of normal forms that our sperm count had is really no big deal. In fact our sperm's numbers seem to be quite fantastic. Which means that the problem must be on my end. So in a way we got good and bad news. There is a problem, but we can rule out all male fertility issues.

It really sucks to be the one with the fertility problem but if it was going to be someone, I'd want it to be me anyway. Since I'm the female and there are multiple things going on inside me every month that all add up to my fertility there hopefully is something that is fixable so that we can get pregnant. If we have no good sperm, then we have no good sperm and there really isn't a whole lot we can do about that. Our hopes for a child that is genetically ours would be gone.

Along with this clean bill of health for our sperm comes more uncertainty and insecurity for me and our fertility on my end. We know that I have a slightly irregular cycle but that I do ovulate every month. All of my hormone levels are in the right place. I've had numerous pelvic examinations, and everything always checks out fine. We've even seen my uterus on an ultrasound and I have lots of great looking follicles (eggs that haven't "hatched" yet) and nothing jumps out as being wrong. I do get some fertile quality cervical mucus, I may not be the queen of the egg whites but I'm not quite the Sahara either. So with this clean bill of health we are back to square one, wondering why we aren't getting pregnant when everything seems like we should.


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