Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The analysis results...

So, we've gotten back our results from the semen analysis. They weren't all that bad either. We've got a super high sperm count with excellent motility and all around everything looks good except one little thing. Their morphology, or shape. We have a slightly lower than average amount of normal shaped swimmers and almost all of the defects are in their heads. There are 3 parts, heads, midpieces and tails. Defects in the tails = bad swimmers, defects in the heads = bad diggers. So our analysis means that our swimmers probably aren't having a problem getting to our egg but they may be having a problem getting inside it. Good news is that shape defects do not equal fetal defects or anything like that. The DNA inside a funny shaped sperm is not also funny shaped, so we don't have to worry about that. The bigger problem is that this doesn't necessarily mean that we shouldn't be able to get pregnant on our own. The most frustrating thing is not getting pregnant and then not finding something finite that is wrong with us.

And Yes I know they aren't really "our" results but I view them that way because my husband's semen is the only semen my eggs have and since he has no eggs and I have no semen, they are all "ours." It truly helps to view all of this from a team prospective, it helps to cut down on the inevitable self loathing that comes along with fertility struggles. So for now, we continue on trying to conceive and trying to find out if there is problem. Next up, the urologist to make sure there isn't something physically wrong with "our" penis. I'm leaning towards a clean bill of health in that arena, you'd think we'd notice something like that!


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