Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oh, what a beautiful morning...

What a day! What a relief! I could not have imagined going to see our reproductive endocrinologist turning out any better! It was seriously amazing. We got there and we met with our doctor and he talked to us about everything, starting at the very beginning. We started out with how babies are made, literally, and went on from there. Then he took an extremely precise medical history from both of us and then we began to discuss what our potential problems may be.

He told us that my husband has a sperm count and quality good enough to populate the entire continent of Africa which made us laugh and instantly feel more comfortable, especially my husband as he can now officially relax and no longer worry that he's got any issues whatsoever. We really already knew that but it was still nice to get a confirmation.

Once we got the male infertility off the table we moved on to me and began talking about my cycles and how they are long, somewhat irregular, painful and etc. Then the most amazing thing happened, our doctor asked me when the first day of my last period was and I said, "June 23rd," and he said, "Oh good you are on day 14 so you should be ovulating, let's do an ultrasound and see." Then he jumps up and says, "No time like the present!" We walked across the hall and he did a trans-vaginal ultrasound and saw that I didn't have any follicles ready to pop an egg and either I had already ovulated or I will soon. Then he sent me across the hall again to have some blood work done to confirm whether or not I had ovulated. Everything was done right then and there! No prescriptions written, no referrals needed, no appointments made with other doctors in other buildings, just immediate action with results coming in tomorrow. It was fantastic!

He even told us that the phone should be our best friend and we should call him whenever we feel like it. We have NEVER had a doctor say that to us before! He said we could call him 10 times a day if we wanted to, and he would even answer the phone! No calling and having to talk to the nurse on call or leaving a message and never being called back. He even discussed, without being asked, the ethics on the fertility business and he just made us feel so reassured that their practice wasn't going to treat us like lab rats so that they could charge us and our insurance as much as they could get away with. We are going to identify the problem in the quickest and most cost effective way and then (hopefully) remedy the problem in the quickest and most cost effective way. We are a team with a plan now!

Today was just a really a good day, and hopefully this feeling will stay with me for a while because I haven't felt this good in 11 months.

PS: While I was proof reading this post I got a call with my blood work results showing that I had not ovulated yet. I got that done like 2 hours ago! AMAZING!


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